LSD legal in Perth


Last week I found myself in a Perth establishment that said it offered ‘the Byron Bay favourite’ … LSD. 

© The Ponder Room


I have to admit that my mind set has been a tad more experimental of late, reason being an upcoming significant birthday. Consequently my desire for new experiences and challenges has been growing every week, and this … would definitely be a challenge.


Fresh from a beachside photo shoot for the Me Time launch (another challenge, more on that later), I returned to said establishment and considered my options.


© The Ponder Room


On arrival I was ushered into ‘The Green Room’ where fake grass lined the floor and continued up the walls. While the recycled tyre stools looked interesting, I’m now wise enough to know that my stomach muscles would soon be protesting my stupidity. The same reasoning has me regularly circumnavigating the section of the gym that houses the fit ball collection.
Perched on a luminous pink chair, I noticed a buckled stop sign at my feet and that the tables were festooned with graffiti. Clearly the owners relished the unconventional.

 After some hesitation I placed my order ….

‘One LSD please’, then pondered what was to come, along with whether I should call my nearest and dearest to convey my eternal love and gratitude one last time.

Just as I was about to cancel my order  it arrived … my very first attempt at LSD …

© The Ponder Room

LSD …a hot latte, soya milk dandelion drink. …and the verdict?

Bliss … a silky smooth, nutty taste without the sugary sweetness of a hot chocolate, or the bitterness of coffee.

© The Ponder Room

Slowly sipping my LSD, not wanting to rush the experience, especialy as it was my first time, I was oblivious to the fact that a habit was already forming … I’ve already been back three days in a row for a fix.

Gotta run … I’m off in search of a place that offers Hot Effervescent Red Onion Infused Nachos. By the way, as with most great secrets if you want to know where the outlet is you’ll have to contact me directly, after all I couldn’t possibly reveal my source publicly.

Stop Press: So many people have asked me where this is … it’s the Wild Fig Cafe in Scarborough

The Wild Fig Cafe Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

7.0 Awesome
  • Food 7
  • Service 6
  • Atmosphere 8
  • User Ratings (0 Votes) 0


  1. Ahh a few people have been asking this. I’ve been meaning to get on and write a larger post about one of my fav cafes … the Wild Fig in Scarborough (Brighton Beach). Recently I went to the Naked Fig in Swanbourne and they offer it too, so I assume it’s all the ‘Wild’ places (there’s one in Freo too). I havent been to the Freo one yet but love the decor at Scarb.
    If you go I’d love to hear back what you think about it … and the LSD

  2. Just found this and had a laugh. But if im not already too late.. Refering to the drink as LSD probably wasnt such a smart move.

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