
I began guest speaking while travelling around W.A. for the Australian Red Cross. This gave me the privilege of spending three years talking to schools, community groups and corporates. I now conduct the following workshops and guest speaking services. They can easily be tailored to your needs. If you are interested in any of these topics please contact me via the contacts tab.

How to develop a potent personal brand

A 3-5 hour workshop through which participants learn:

  • Why do you need a personal brand?
  • What makes a potent personal brand?
  • Each participant receives a personal brand audit of their current brand.
  • Work through 5 exercises to develop your brand essence.
  • Strategies to help you communicate your brand.
  • Social Media strategies.

Workshops are limited to 8 – 12 people to allow enough time for individual attention.

Individual one on one sessions have also proven popular lately.

See testimonials tab for reviews. Click here for a review written by a past student The key comments were:


How to get more Guilt Free ‘Me Time’

A fun 90 minute interactive workshop where participants will come away with:

  • Health issues associated with poor work/life balance
  • A Lifestyle Audit
  • How to take personal responsibility for your ‘Me Time’
  • 5 strategies to help you take find more ‘Me Time’
  • Tips to overcome the guilt so you can enjoy your time out
  • A copy of Me Time (optional)

See Testimonials tab.

How to gain back control after loss

Whether the loss be a death or a divorce you’re left with a feeling that you’ve lost control.

A 90 minute workshop where participants come away with:

  • A deeper understanding about loss
  • 10 strategies on how to gain back control
  • A copy of 50 Ways To Grieve Your Lover (optional)

To e-publish or not to e-publish

A half day workshop tacking:

  • Self publishing
  • Latest changes in the e-publishing world
  • 10 questions that will help you decide whether e-publishing is for you


Consumer Psychology

A 30 minute talk on why we as consumers do what we do, and how researchers find out. Touches on new product development and the science behind the ads we see on television.


10 values of a good Leader (High School) – This 30 minute talk is targeted to year 11 and 12 High School students. It provides 10 tips on the values of a good leader in todays corporate world

Other workshops/talks:

  • How to write a killer research brief, business proposal or sponsorship document
  • How to assess and compare research proposals
  • How to write a research report that gets actioned