Opinion: Government Communication Stresses The Elderly


[The following opinion piece was written when the Safe WA App was replaced with the Service WA App. The communications issue is still relevant.]

The elderly are a compliant bunch, when the government says do something they spring into action, okay maybe not spring, but they sure do take the advice to heart. But what happens when something gets in the way of them achieving the governments request?

Stefan Barna

Imagine being 90 years old.

You were amongst the first to get a stack of masks when the pandemic hit. You’ve mastered downloading the SafeWA app onto your mobile phone which was a feat in itself. It took two weeks and copious phone calls but you did it. You’ve even mastered how to position your phone so it lines up with the QR Code at the shops and you’ve worked out how to stop your hand shaking long enough for the beep to go off. At least you think it goes off, your hearing isn’t what it used to be.

But now there’s a new App and the Government says you now have to use this one when going out.

To download the new App you have to prove you are you. There are several ways you can do this:

  1. Have a drivers license. You don’t. This was handed in recently.
  2. Have a passport. You don’t. Your years of overseas travel are behind you.
  3. Have a Citizenship Certificate. You don’t. When you arrived in Australia over 50 years ago it wasn’t required.
  4. Have a photo ID card. You don’t. You believe you can get one now that you don’t have a drivers license but that’s a recent thing so you haven’t looked into it yet.

You may not want to go to a Rave, but your weekly visit to the library and bookclub keeps you socially connected and therefore mentally resilient. What to do?

PANIC! The Government says you HAVE to have it.

Panic creates stress which accumulates as the days pass without the App on your phone. After a week you end up in hospital, thereby increasing national debt.

Question? Could the PR and Communication experts please, please consider ALL of the community in their messaging? A simple comment that the App doesn’t need to be downloaded this instant. Plus a comment that Seniors can use their Medicare and Photo ID Cards or carry their Vax History would reduce their stress, as well as that of their carers.


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